Patch Notes 0.9 - Summons
- All Summoners servitors got increased p.atk by 20% and passive skill Focus (+100 critical rate)
Elemental Summoner
- Magnus - Increased HP by 5%, Cast Speed and M.Atk by 15%, P.Atk by 10% and MP by 30%
- Feline King - Increased HPO by 30%, P.Def and M.def by 15% and P.Atk by 5%
Phantom Summoner:
Spectral Lord - Increased P.Atk by 30% and run speed by 15%, added passive skill +200 critical rate and critical power x2
Posted: 3/1/2025, 9:04:38 AM
Patch Notes 0.8 - Monsters and Items Update
- All primeval isle mobs have boosted adena.
- Added L2 New Era Coin Box - 100kk adena - can get 1 to 10 coins
- Added L2 New Era Epic Jewels box - 1kkk adena or 30 L2 New Era Coins - can get low epics: AQ, Core, Orfen and Zaken
- Added Carradine Letter 4 (noblesse item) to shop - 200 L2 New Era Coins
- Added reward for voting - 1 to 10 L2 New Era coins
Posted: 2/28/2025, 2:14:44 PM
Patch Notes 0.7 - Monsters and Quests Update
- all monsters over lvl 75 drop Life Stones from Normal to Top.
- T-Rex got boosted drop of Top Life Stones
- Monsters on Primeval Island no longer cast lethals skills.
- Four Goblets - Unable to trade recipes anymore
- Relics of old empire - Requires 3000 Relics to trade for random S Grade Recipe
- Gather The Flames - Requires 3000 Torches to trade for random S Grade Recipe, Rooney no longer trade recipes
- Zero Hour - Increased price for materials
Posted: 2/27/2025, 11:15:26 PM
New Patch 27.02.2025
New system patch.
- Added descriptions to skills
- Added descriptions to items
- Added reworked recipes
Posted: 2/27/2025, 11:09:47 PM
Patch Notes 0.6 - Item Changes
- Imperial Staff - Added Acumen and Wild Magic SA
- Staff of Evil Spirits - Added Acumen and Wild Magic SA
- Daimon's Crystal - Wild Magic SA
- Bow of Peril - Added Focus SA
- Carnage Bow - Added Focus SA
- Soul Bow - Added Focus SA
- Dragoin Slayer - Added Focus SA
- Sobekk's Hurricane - Added Focus SA
New Special Abilities:
- Wild Magic - Increases magic critical chance.
- Anger - Increases ask speed, p.atk and critical chance by 15%, reducing max hp, p.def and m.def by 20%
Posted: 2/27/2025, 11:06:39 PM
Patch Notes 0.5 - Dwarf Classes
- Mechanic Golem - Boosted Stats
Bounty Hunter:
- Spoil Crush - Boosted damage, critical rate increased
Posted: 2/26/2025, 11:04:28 AM
Patch Notes 0.4 - Orc Classes
- Frenzy - Effect available only when under 30% hp, passive skill. Decreased power.
- Guts - Effect available only when under 15% hp, passive skill. Decreased power.
- Earthquake - increased radius.
- Bison Totem - no HP condition, slightly decreased critical rate
- Bear Totem - greatly increased stats
- Rabbit Totem - greatly increased stats
- Puma Totem - greatly increased stats
- Hawk Totem - greatly increased stats
- Fist Fury - now its Passive skill
- All totems does not count into buff slots.
- All buffs - cost reduced by half
- Freezing Flame - Damage boost
- Aura Sink - Damage boost
- Chant of Life - Casting speed decreased, power increased
- Magnus Chant - Boosted stats
- All Seals - mana cost reduced by 50%
- Seal of Gloom - power increased
Posted: 2/26/2025, 11:03:32 AM
Patch Notes 0.3 - Dark Elf Classess
Shilien Knight:
- Vampiric Cubic - Increased damage, chance of activation and lowered re-use of activations
- Viper Cubic - Increased chance of activation and lowered re-use of activations
- Guard Stance - decreased mp consumption, p.def increased
- Arrest - Increased Range and ChanceShield Bash - now deals damage
- Magical Mirror - Increased chance to reflect debuffs
- Shield Bash - now deals damage
- Final Fortress - P.Def and M.def increased
- Lightening Strike - Chance increased
Blade Dancer:
- Arrest - Increased Range and Chance
- Demonic Blade Dance - Increased radius and damage, decreased hit time
- Poison Blade Dance - Increased chance and damage, decreased hit time, re-use and debuff time
Abyss Walker:
- Counterattack - Buff time increased
- Silent Move - does not decrease speed
Phantom Ranger:
- Spirit and Soul Of Sagittarius - now are passive skills
- Dead Eye - increased p.atk and critical power, decreased atk speed
- Silence - Decreased debuff time
- Slow - Decreased debuff time
- Poison and Poisonous Cloud - Increased Damage
- Fear - Decreased Debuff Time
- Hurricane - has chance to decrease casting speed and attack speed
Phantom Summoner:
- Servitor Empowerment - Buff time decreased but does not immobilize servitor
- Assasin Servitor - boosted stats
- Final Servitor - Movement speed decrase changed to smaller value
- Mage Bane - chance increased
- Spark Cubic - Increased chance of activation and lowered re-use of activations
Shilien Elder:
- Might of Heaven - now it can be used on everyone. Works like all other attacking spells.
- Erase - Chance decreased
- Prophecy of Wind - boosted stats
Posted: 2/26/2025, 11:01:21 AM
Patch Notes 0.2 - Elf Classes
Temple Knight:
- Storm Cubic - Increased damage, chance of activation and lowered re-use of activations
- Guard Stance - decreased mp consumption, p.def increased
- Arrest - Increased Range and Chance
- Sprint and Spirit Barrier does not count into buff slots but only 1 can be used at the same time.
- Shield Bash - now deals damage
- Magical Mirror - Increased chance to reflect debuffs
- Holy Aura - now it is a heal over time buff for party
- Entangle - Increased range and Chance
- Final Fortress - P.Def and M.def increased
- Arrest - Increased Range and Chance
- Sprint and Spirit Barrier does not count into buff slots but only 1 can be used at the same time.
- Song of Silence - increased range and chance, lowered debuff time and cooldown
- Psycho Symphony - Increased chance and radius, decreased re-use time and debuff time.
- Sword Symphony - Increased radius, power and chance, decreased reuse time.
- Entangle - Increased range and Chance
Plains Walker:
- Sprint and Spirit Barrier does not count into buff slots but only 1 can be used at the same time.
- Entangle - Increased range and Chance
- Dodge - Increased buff time
- Silent Move - does not decrease speed.
Silver Ranger:
- Sprint and Spirit Barrier does not count into buff slots but only 1 can be used at the same time.
- Entangle - Increased range and Chance
- Rapid Fire - is now toggle.
- Cancel - decreased power of cancel
- Fear - decreased time of debuff
- Freezing Shackle- Double damge
- Hydro Blast - now beside instant damage it also has chance to freeze enemy (paralyze)
Elemental Summoner:
- Servitor Empowerment - Buff time decreased but does not immobilize servitor
- Wizard Servitor - boosted stats
- Final Servitor - Movement speed decrase changed to smaller value
- Warrior Bane - chance increased
- Aqua cubic - Chance and activation rate increased
Elven Elder:
- Might of Heaven - now it can be used on everyone. Works like all other attacking spells.
- Erase - Chance decreased
- Serenade of Eva - For 30 seconds increases stats (m.def, m.atk, casting speed) does not count into buff slots
Posted: 2/26/2025, 10:57:14 AM
Patch Notes 0.2 - Human Classes
- Duelist spirit can be used with blunt, sword or duals
- Sonic Move can be used with blunt, sword or duals
- Sonic rage can be used with blunt, sword or duals
- Sonic Barrier can be used with blunt, sword or duals
- Final Frenzy - P.atk increased
- Revival - 5% -> 15%
- Thrill Fight - no longer decreases speed
- Howl - now decreases speed and p.atk
- Shock Blast - Decreased Reuse time and increased range
- Eartquake - increased range
- Final Frenzy - P.atk increased
- Shield Slam - Chance Increased but time of debuff decreased
- Shield Stun - now deals damage, stun time decreased
- Iron Will, Majesty and Deflect Arrow - now they dont count into buff slots but you can have only 1 active
- Holy Blessing - increased casting speed
- Holy Strike - now can be casted on all targets
- Holy Blade and Holy Armor - are now passives.
- Final Fortress - P.Def and M.def increased
Dark Avenger:
- Horror - increased casting speed, chance and range, decreased debuff time
- Drain Health - increased casting speed, drain effect and range
- Reflect Damage - Increased power, reuse time and casting speed, decreased buff time
- Shield Slam - Chance Increased but time of debuff decreased
- Shield Stun - now deals damage, stun time decreased
- Iron Will, Majesty and Deflect Arrow - now they dont count into buff slots but you can have only 1 active
- Hamstring - Increased Casting Speed, Range, Chance and Reuse time, Decreased Debuff Time
- Shield of Revenge - Decreased Buff Time, now it reflects all physical skills.
- Final Fortress - P.Def and M.def increased
Treasure Hunter:
- Silent Move - does not decrease speed.
- Stealth - Decreases P.Def, M.Def and P.atk, increases Critical Power.
- Mirage - Decreased Buff Time.
- Spirit, Blessing and Soul Of Sagittarius - now are passive skills
- Hawk Eye - is now passive and does not decrease p.def
- Cancel - decreased power of cancel
- Fear - decreased time of debuff
- Decay - Double damge
- Prominence - now beside instant damage it leaves damage over time effect
- Silence - Decreased debuff time
- Slow - Decreased debuff time
- Poison and Poisonous Cloud - Increased Damage
- Fear - Decreased Debuff Time
- Anchor - Greatly Decreased Debuff Time
- Servitor Empowerment - Buff time decreased but does not immobilize servitor
- Warrior Servitor - boosted stats
- Final Servitor - Movement speed decrase changed to smaller value
- Warrior Bane - chance increased
- Mage Bane - chance increased
- Storm Cubic - Increased damage, chance of activation and lowered re-use of activations
Posted: 2/26/2025, 10:50:09 AM
Patch Notes 0.1
-Zubei Heavy Set - P. Def. +15.26% and maximum HP +320, STR +1 CON -1
-Zubei Light Set - Dodge +4, CON -1 DEX +1.
-Zubei Robe Set - M. Atk. +20% and MP recovery rate -5%, INT +1 MEN -1.
-Avadon Heavy Set - Maximum HP +294, STR-1 CON+1.
-Avadon Light Set - Magic P. Def +5.25% and weight limit +5795, CON +1 STR -1.
-Majestic Heavy Set - P. Atk. +12%, accuracy +3, stun vulnerability -50%, STR+3, and CON-3.
-Majestic Light Set - P. Atk. +8% when a bow is equipped, maximum MP +240, weight limit +5759, stun vulnerability -50%, DEX+3, and CON-3.
-Majestic Robe Set - Maximum MP +240, Casting Spd. +15%, MP recovery rate +8%, chance to get Stun -50%, MEN+2, and INT-2
-Dark Crytal Heavy Set - Heal receiving amount +17%, chance to get Paralysis attack -50%, STR-3, and CON+3
-Dark Crystal Light Set - P. Atk. / P. Atk speed +4%, chance to get Paralysis attack -50%, DEX +2 and CON -2.
-Tallum Light Set - MP recovery rate +8%, maximum MP +222, chance to get Poison/Bleed attack -80%, MEN -3, and WIT +3
-Nightmare Heavy Set - Max HP +15%, chance to get Sleep/Hold attack -70%, CON+3, and DEX-3
-Nightmare Light Set - Magic P. Def. +12%, chance to get Sleep/Hold attack -70%, Converts 6% of melee damage inflicted upon the enemy to HP restoration for oneself, DEX+2, and CON-2.
-Nightmare Robe Set - MP recovery rate +4%, magical P. atk +8%, Casting Spd. +15%, chance to get Sleep/Hold attack -70%, INT+2, and WIT-1 MEN -1
Doom Robe Set - Speed +7, Breath Gauge increase, MP recovery rate +5.26%, INT +2, MEN - 3, and WIT +1.
Posted: 2/26/2025, 10:39:43 AM
Test Server
Welcome everyone to L2 New Era test server.
Posted: 2/26/2025, 10:33:20 AM